
The Master of Arts degree with a concentration in Counseling Psychology at 正规博彩十大网站 prepares students for careers that serve a 文化ly diverse society in the mental health professions by providing an educational foundation in counseling, 评估, 发展, 研究方法, 道德实践, 精神药理学, 和成瘾, 在其他高级主题中. Students in the program progress through their course sequence in a cohort and support each other in the classroom and in practice as they become self-reflective practitioners, 研究人员, 和领导人.



Pacific's MaEd in Counseling Psychology meets the educational requirements for becoming a licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC), and students who become LPCCs have the exciting and rewarding opportunity to promote positive change for diverse individuals and groups by offering 治疗 and counseling to those with mental health 药物滥用 problems.






了解文学硕士教育,咨询心理学从项目领导,博士. 贾斯汀低.

奖助金 & 奖学金

Counseling Psychology students gain real-world experience through our grant-funded practicum offered in San Joaquin County through the Behavioral Workforce Project. Students interested in becoming mental health practitioners are able to further develop their counseling skills while serving the San Joaquin area. 萨克拉门托也有其他带薪和志愿者实习机会, Stanislaus和Tuolumne县以及整个湾区.



EDUC 216:学习的性质和条件(3)学生学习认知和传统的学习理论, 它们在教学中的应用和有效教学策略的发展. 除了, 探讨了信息处理模型及其对教学的影响.

EDUC 387:人类性学(1)本课程回顾基本解剖学, 性功能和反应, 以及性功能障碍和挑战. Diagnostic formulations and 治疗s for the disorders that clinicians are most likely to encounter in clinical practice are also presented. 最后,在特殊人群的性挑战和复杂性进行了审查.

总数:4 (4)


EDUC 201:研究技术(3)学生学习各种研究方法,包括定性, 描述性的, causal-comparative, 调查, 相关性和实验性. 重点是学习阅读和理解发表在专业期刊上的研究. The 内容 includes understanding how basic 描述性的 and inferential statistics are applied to address quantitative re搜索 questions.

EDUC 343:精神病理学和健康促进(3)精神病理学和健康促进. 3单位. 本课程将从不同的角度审视各种精神障碍, including the biomedical model of mental disorders and diagnostic categories while emphasizing socio文化 viewpoints and 发展al experiences. 主要的治疗方法, 包括教育干预, 对于主要疾病也将包括在内, as well as primary and secondary prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of health and mental health in public schools and the community.

EDUC 336: Group Counseling (3) This course prepares mental health professionals to use direct methods 和技术 of group counseling for children, 青少年, 成年人, 老年人.

EDUC 337: Crisis Intervention (3) This course reviews counseling theory and basic listening and responding skills and contrast them with crisis counseling practices. It also examines various programmatic approaches to the primary and secondary prevention of educational failure and the promotion of health and mental health. 重点是在危机正规博彩十大网站排名发生后提高个人和家庭的能力. 本课程探讨基础知识, 实施预防的模式, 技术和程序的具体例子设计干预之前, 在危机正规博彩十大网站排名期间和之后. 还包括政策问题和评估问题. 特别关注压力,应对和弹性的概念. 自杀预防等项目, 危机干预, 毒品和酒精教育, 性教育, 防止虐待儿童, 其他人则受到严密的审查和批评.

总数:12 (16)


EDUC 202: Statistical Thinking and Communication (3) The objectives of this course are to review basic 描述性的 statistics and solidify students’ understanding of inferential techniques commonly employed in educational re搜索. 学生将学习如何进行适当的统计分析, 解释SPSS统计软件产生的输出. 学生将在阅读期刊文章的结果部分中获得信心,并学会使用统计术语进行交流. 对期刊文章结果部分的分析将证明学生能够识别情境, 各种统计技术都适用于此, 解释选择这些技术的原因, 解释结果, and critically evaluate whether the authors’ conclusions logically follow from the data analysis conducted and the statistical information presented. 学生们应该学习统计分析的力量.

EDUC 335:心理治疗干预(3)本课程概述了咨询和心理治疗理论, 原则, 和技术, 包括在多元文化社会中的咨询过程, 健康和预防导向, 咨询理论,以协助选择适当的咨询干预措施, 与当前专业研究和实践相一致的咨询模式, 以及个人咨询模式的发展.

EDUC 342: 法律 and Professional Ethics (3)  This course is designed for students in credential and licensing graduate programs in human services and mental health professions. Students will study approaches to ethical decision-making in addition to learning relevant law and regulation and existing ethical codes of behavior.

EDUC 334: Theories of Multi文化 MFT (3) This course prepares mental health clinicians to assess functioning in and design and implement interventions for couples and families by studying major theories of couples and family therapy. This course also prepares mental health clinicians to help families collaborate with helping institutions to improve the well-being of children.

总数:12 (28)


EDUC 349: Psychopharmacology (3) This course 调查s the physiological and behavioral effects of the major classes of psychoactive drugs, 包括治疗药物和滥用药物, 作用机制, 副作用, 对胎儿的影响, 并与其他健康和心理健康专业人员和家庭合作. 本课程的主要重点是精神性焦虑障碍, 精神分裂症, 药物滥用.

EDUC 385: Alcoholism and Chemical Substance Abuse Dependency (3) This course describes the most commonly abused substances as well as the signs of abuse 和成瘾 and the most effective 治疗 原则 and therapeutic techniques.

EDUC 386:儿童虐待评估和报告(1)本课程提供识别儿童虐待的信息, 评估, 报告虐待和忽视儿童, 包括管理强制报告的法律. 本课程还包括预防和治疗虐待和忽视儿童.

EDUC 384:配偶/伴侣虐待的检测和干预(1)本课程探讨原因, 评估, 治疗, 关于亲密伴侣暴力的统计和法律问题.

总数:8 (36)


EDUC 346: Psychological Assessment (3) This course prepares mental health professionals to use psychological testing and 评估 information in a problem solving process, 并使用基于数据的决策来改善教学结果, 认知和学术技能的发展, 以及生活能力的发展. 学生还将接触到与特殊教育服务相关的转介和州法律中确定的流程和程序.

EDUC 338: Consultation Methods (3) This course prepares school psychologists to provide mental health consultation to school personnel and parents. 将研究各种协商方法,其中特别适用于公立学校系统的儿童.

EDUC 388: Counseling Practicum (3) Counseling Practicum entails the supervised application of psychological procedures in appropriate settings.

总数:9 (45)


EDUC 393:高级心理治疗技术(3) 

EDUC 330:人类发展(3)本课程侧重于儿童早期发展的发展阶段. 本课程探讨生物学影响的理论和基于研究的知识, 社会, 情感, 文化, 少数民族, 经验, 社会经济, 与性别有关, 以及儿童发展中的语言因素.

EDUC 348: Neuropsychology (3) This course provides a general overview of: brain-based behavior; neuroanatomy and physiology; conceptualizing psychoeducational and psychological 评估 data from a neuropsychological perspective; the effects and uses of psychotropic agents; and information on neuropathology.

EDUC 388: Counseling Practicum (3) Counseling Practicum entails the supervised application of psychological procedures in appropriate settings.


总数:12 (57)


EDUC 393:职业咨询(3)

总数:3 (60)






