发现 Computer Engineering

Computer engineers solve problems in hardware, 软件, systems and networks that drive almost all industries, including telecommunications, 能源, 卫生保健, banking and manufacturing. 计算机工程专业的毕业生成功地运用他们在课堂教育和正规博彩十大网站实验室的实践经验中获得的技能.  

正规博彩十大网站的计算机工程课程结合了计算机设计, 电子和编程与传统工程基础的基础. 学生与教师导师合作,根据他们的兴趣和技能制定个性化的课程计划. During their junior and senior years, students secure paid, 通过太平洋合作教育(CO-OP)项目与世界各地的行业合作伙伴进行专业实习. 学生们可以与合适的公司建立联系,并在职业规划方面获得帮助, 简历写作和面试技巧,为他们未来的职业生涯做准备.

计算机工程专业通过了教唆工程认证委员会的认证, http://www.ABET.org,根据委员会的一般标准和计算机工程项目标准. 

computer engineering major in a lab
Outstanding Student
Davis Young '22

选择正规博彩十大网站对戴维斯来说很容易,她的姐姐和祖父都是正规博彩十大网站的校友,拥有工程和计算机科学学位. 戴维斯特别喜欢计算机工程,因为它可以让他同时了解软件和硬件. 他也很欣赏正规博彩十大网站对体验式学习的重视. Through SOECS Co-Op, 他曾在美光科技实习,负责测试和验证ASIC技术.

Theory in practice 

太平洋工程学院的学生有机会参与本科研究, competitions and projects. 所有计算机工程专业的学生都以团队合作为主, multidisciplinary senior design project, 这提供了一个应用工程基础和设计方法来解决实际问题的机会. 正规博彩十大网站的计算机工程实验室提供数字化设计的实践经验, test equipment, microcontrollers, 机器人, fpga, digital image processing, high performance computing and the latest 软件.

Blended Program

The blended MSE program allows students, in consultation with their academic advisors, 在继续完成本科要求的同时,开始学习研究生课程.  一旦学生完成了所有本科要求, the student is then classified as a graduate student, and completes the graduate requirements.

Earn while you learn

正规博彩十大网站是西海岸唯一一所要求将合作教育(CO-OP)纳入电气工程课程的大学. As part of the electrical engineering program, students complete a two academic term, 带薪CO-OP在工业界工作,平均收入3美元,每月700元. 这些专业经验对于让学生毕业后在工程就业市场上具有竞争优势至关重要. 

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Engineering

Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives
通过他们在计算机工程或相关专业的职业生涯, 太平洋工程学院的毕业生在获得计算机工程学士学位后的几年内应具备以下能力:

  • 具备计算机工程专业的能力,并能晋升到责任更大的职位, publications, and/or conference presentations
  • 通过成功完成或攻读工程或相关领域的研究生教育,适应科学技术的新发展, 参加专业发展和/或行业培训课程, or pursuing professional licensure

Computer Engineering Student Outcomes

Upon graduation, graduates will have:

  1. an ability to identify, 制定, 运用工程原理解决复杂的工程问题, 科学, and mathematics
  2. 能够运用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公共卫生, 安全, 和福利, as well as global, 文化, 社会, environmental, and 经济 factors
  3. 与广泛的受众进行有效沟通的能力
  4. 能够在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, 哪一个必须考虑工程解决方案在全球的影响, 经济, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. 在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, 计划任务, and meet objectives
  6. 发展和进行适当实验的能力, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. 在需要时运用适当的学习策略获取和应用新知识的能力


Academic YearEnrollment (fall census)Awarded Degrees


How to 应用

  • 访问 http://pacific.academicworks.com
  • Sign in using your Pacific Net ID and Password
  • Complete the General Application
  • Complete the Conditional SOECS Application
  • 根据您的回答和学术资料,选择“申请”任何推荐的奖学金机会.  在申请之前,请仔细阅读奖学金标准,以确认您符合资格.
  • You will need to upload an unofficial transcript.

Any Engineering or Computers Science Major


Name of 奖学金 Qualification Criteria
Maryam H. Dashti Endowed 奖学金 以业绩为基础的; first preference for a student from Kuwait; second preference for a student from Gulf States Region; third preference for international student
B.G. Glenn A Goddard Veteran's Endowed 奖学金 以业绩为基础的, currently serving in a military reserve program, honorably discharged veteran, or participant in ROTC program.
罗伯特·L. Heyborne Endowed 奖学金 择优录取,全日制本科生,最少3名.0的绩点, Junior/Senior standing preferred
George and Sue Schroeder Endowed 奖学金 Undergraduate School of Engineering & Computer Science student, Minimum 3.2平均绩点
保罗米. Sensibaugh Engineering Endowed 奖学金 以业绩为基础的, 优先考虑从圣华金县学校毕业或转学的学生
Louise Stark Endowed 奖学金 for Women Engineers 根据需要,本科女生,良好的学术成绩,最低2分.5平均绩点


Any Engineering Major

Name of 奖学金 Qualification Criteria
Hamma Fund Scholar (administered by Dean's Office) 以业绩为基础的, 本科课程的最后两个学期,目标是进入正规博彩十大网站的硕士课程, “Tau Beta Pi”奖涵盖研究生院1个财政年度, including books)
Minority Engineering Endowed 奖学金 以需求为基础,优先考虑非裔美国人或其他代表性不足的种族
爱德华·E. Whitacre, Jr. Endowed 奖学金 Need-Based, full-time Engineering major, minimum of 3.0的绩点


Computer Engineering Majors Only

Name of 奖学金 Qualification Criteria
Asian Electronic Endowed 奖学金 Need-Based, Minimum 3.平均绩点0,全日制学生,对制造业有兴趣者优先


Engineering students with Professor
School of Engineering and Computer Science

School of Engineering and Computer Science
Anderson Hall 200
3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95211