作为一名太平洋学生, 你可以从员工那里获得强大的支持网络, 教师, 的同学, 校友, 还有很多为你投资而自豪的人. 除了, 奖学金由慷慨的捐助者提供,他们热衷于支持你的成功.

Admitted 学生s are automatically considered for all Academic 奖学金 except for the Powell 奖学金, 这就需要 补充申请. 了解更多关于申请的信息 鲍威尔正规博彩十大网站排名计划页面.

注意: 学生账户办公室(需要登录) 为学生办理外部(非太平洋地区)奖学金.

学业优异奖学金 一年级学生

的 university is pleased to offer merit scholarships to both domestic and international first-year undergraduate 学生s as our investment in your experience at the university. Students who are enrolled via the 正规博彩十大网站 International (UOPI) program can find information about scholarships by visiting the UOPI页面. 

为一年级学生提供的学术优秀奖学金最多可续期四年, 只要你保持要求的GPA并满足所有其他资格标准. 本科 学生s who are enrolled in the university’s engineering program are generally subject to the same financial aid eligibility rules and regulations as all other 学生s; however, 由于工程专业的结构, 学生s have the eligibility expansions and restrictions that are described in the drop-down under 金融援助 Resources.

奖学金是根据你的高中成绩颁发的, 你高中课程的严谨性以及你的课外活动和领导活动. 请选择以下任何一项奖学金,以了解一般要求.


Merit scholarships are awarded to academically exceptional high school seniors who are accepted for admission as first-year undergraduates. 这些奖学金每年的金额从1万美元到3万美元不等.

  • You are not required to submit the FAFSA to be considered for the merit scholarships listed above and there is no separate scholarship application; with exception of the CIP (FAFSA required) and 法医 奖学金, 这两个都需要单独的应用程序.
  • 优秀奖学金是整体确定的, 与高中就读等因素有关, 平均绩点, 课程严谨, 承诺, 课外活动及义务, 领导, 表现出的兴趣都是因素. 


  • Retaining your scholarship requires maintaining full-time enrollment (12 or more units per semester) as an undergraduate at Pacific in a bachelor's or pre-professional program and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward completion of your degree.  
  • Merit scholarships can be renewed for full-time enrollment in your first bachelor's degree program at Pacific for up to a total of four years (八个秋季和春季学期)奖学金资助. 
  • 奖学金 can only be applied to undergraduate coursework and cannot be applied to professional coursework in pharmacy, 牙科, 或法律. 因此, 学生s are no longer eligible for merit scholarships once they begin their graduate level courses in the pharmacy, 牙科和法律专业.

有关优秀奖学金的更多信息, 请正规博彩十大网站的财务援助咨询团队的成员 financialaid@shuguangprinting.com or 209.946.2421.

学业优异奖学金 转学

作为一名转校生, 你已经踏上了追寻激情和发现目标的道路. 在太平洋,我们帮助您完成您开始的事情. 以下奖学金只提供给转校生.


的 university is pleased to offer merit scholarships to academically exceptional transfer (domestic and international) 学生s who are accepted for admission as undergraduates. 优秀学术转移奖学金每年的金额从16000美元到25000美元不等. 通过UOP国际注册的转学生没有资格获得该奖项,但可以联系 招生UOPI 了解其他奖学金机会.

  • 最低累计转学GPA为2.60
  • You are not required to submit the FAFSA to be considered for a transfer merit scholarship and there is no separate scholarship application.
  • 转学奖学金是整体确定的, 加上转学成绩平均等因素, 课程严谨, 承诺, 课外活动及义务, 领导, 表现出的兴趣都是因素. 


  • Retaining your merit scholarship requires maintaining full-time enrollment (12 or more units per semester) as an undergraduate at Pacific in a bachelor's or pre-professional program and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward completion of your degree.  
  • Transfer merit scholarships can generally be renewed for full-time enrollment in your first bachelor's degree program for up to a total of three years (六个秋季和春季学期)奖学金资助. 
  • 奖学金 can only be applied to undergraduate coursework and cannot be applied to professional coursework in pharmacy, 牙科, 或法律. 因此, 学生s are no longer eligible for merit scholarships once they begin their graduate level courses in the pharmacy, 牙科和法律专业.

了解更多关于转学奖学金的信息, 请正规博彩十大网站的财务援助咨询团队的成员 financialaid@shuguangprinting.com. or 209.946.2421

Benerd大学 奖学金及资助

在贝纳德学院, we work hard to make sure every 学生 admitted to our programs has access to the full array of available scholarships, 助学金及贷款. 不要让对经济的担忧阻碍你享受太平洋教育的好处. 


请参阅Benerd萨克拉门托学费和费用最新的学费和费用信息. 本纳德学院的研究生自动获得31%的学费折扣, 学校的特殊学费有哪些.

贝纳德学院每年向优秀学生颁发奖学金. 的se scholarships often represent a family or organization's wish to honor the legacy of the life of a loved one or a colleague's work, 或者满足他们的愿望,以一种有意义的方式为他们的社区做出贡献.

研究生可能有资格获得无补贴的联邦直接斯塔福德贷款, 毕业生PLUS贷款和私人(替代)贷款. 研究生必须注册至少4个单元才能被考虑为这种类型的经济援助.

下 教师贷款减免计划, those who teach full-time for five complete and consecutive academic years in a low-income school or educational service agency and meet other qualifications may be eligible for forgiveness of up to $17,500美元的直接补贴和无补贴贷款以及有补贴和无补贴的联邦斯塔福德贷款.

的 太平洋噪音正规博彩十大网站排名计划 provides scholarships and other support for STEM majors who become teachers in high-need school districts such as Stockton. 在你的STEM学士/学士课程的大三或大四期间, 你可以得到13美元的奖励,750元/年. 如果需要第五年才能获得教师资格证书, 你可以得到20美元的奖励,硕士教育年度学费为1000万英镑. 作为交换, 你只需要在毕业后在高需求的学区任教两年.

其他 奖学金

Pacific offers scholarships to outstanding athletes who wish to play for one of our 17 NCAA Division I intercollegiate teams.

虽然有些球员可以获得“全额”体育奖学金, 其中包括学费和食宿费(i.e. 住房和食物), 其他学生运动员获得的体育奖学金可能只包括食宿, 或者只交学费, 或者只是学费的一部分. 

It is important to realize that every not player on an athletic team is awarded an athletic scholarship and that other forms of financial aid (i.e. 优秀奖学金(助学金和贷款)可能会与体育援助一起提供.

  • 有关体育奖学金的更多信息,请联系你的体育教练. 参观 体育网站 查看教练名单.
  • 教练对学生运动员获得体育奖学金有最终决定权.

的 主教奖学金 is available to incoming first year and transfer 学生s who are active members of any United Methodist Church. 学生必须表现出卓越的学术成就和对教会的承诺.

的 社区参与计划(CIP) 成立于1969年,是一个综合性的, 为斯托克顿社区的第一代大学生提供的基于需求的奖学金和留校计划, 提倡公平的价值观, 社会正义, 自我认知, 个人的权利, 协作, 公民身份, 服务作为发展范例. 自成立以来,已有1000多名学生从正规博彩十大网站和社区参与项目中毕业. 有关CIP奖学金申请流程的信息,请联系 cip@shuguangprinting.com

MESA计划鼓励高中或社区大学MESA学生参加工程专业, 正规博彩十大网站的数学和科学专业. 根据FAFSA有未满足需求的MESA学生将被考虑每年可再生1美元,5000 MESA奖学金. 

  • Have participated in any high school or community college MESA Program for at least one year before entering 正规博彩十大网站.
  • 他以平均成绩3分的最低成绩被这所大学录取.00.
  • 主修工程、数学或科学相关领域.
  • 符合大学学术要求, 并保持令人满意的学业进展(SAP),以完成学位.
  • 以前没有获得过学士学位.

欲知详情及申请,请下载 MESA奖学金申请. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至MESA主任Elana Peach-Fine epeachfine@shuguangprinting.com打电话或发短信给她,电话号码是530.768.7227.

的 generosity and support of many donors enables the university to offer a range of endowed scholarships to eligible 学生s.

Endowed scholarships are offered by various colleges and departments to continuing undergraduate and graduate 学生s who meet specific criteria. 一般来说,学生的累积平均绩点必须达到3分.在正规博彩十大网站完成的课程中达到5分或以上的学生将被考虑获得任何奖学金援助. 由于申请学生的特殊资格, consideration for many scholarship opportunities will be limited to those 学生s who have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.在秋季学期结束前取得5名或以上的成绩.

Students who first enroll after the fall semester are not eligible to apply for endowed scholarships until the following fall semester.

正规博彩十大网站 is pleased to connect you with scholarships to help fund your education and achieve your goals. 通过填写申请表 老虎奖学金 门户网站,你将被匹配到大学提供的奖学金机会.

奖学金申请时间为10月1日st ——1月15日th 每年一次,奖学金在即将到来的学年颁发. Thomas J. Long School of 药店和Arthur A. 杜戈尼牙科学院将于4月1日开学st 每年.